
Strip Searched for Noisy Muffler

From "Stripped" on
From "Stripped" on

Now I know this title sounds ridiculous, “Strip Searched for Noisy Muffler” but it’s true. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled yesterday that anyone can be strip searched for any offense, however minor. WTF is wrong with these people? In a 5-4 decision, they ruled that officials can strip search anyone for any offense even if they have NO REASON to suspect contraband. We are getting “stripped” of our rights every day and people don’t care or are just unaware because they don’t make time to read the news.

According to opinions in the lower courts, people may be strip-searched after arrests for violating a leash law, driving without a license and failing to pay child support. Citing examples from briefs submitted to the Supreme Court, Justice Breyer wrote that people have been subjected to “the humiliation of a visual strip-search” after being arrested for driving with a noisy muffler, failing to use a turn signal and riding a bicycle without an audible bell. Even a nun was strip searched for trespassing during an antiwar demonstration.

I don’t know what you guys think, but I think that these justices are going waaaayyyy overboard. And the overall reason according to Justice Kennedy for voting this way? He said “undoubted security imperatives involved in jail supervision override the assertion that some detainees must be exempt from the more invasive search procedures at issue absent reasonable suspicion of a concealed weapon or other contraband.” In plain English, we might as well strip search everyone, just in case they “might be” concealing something. I guess they decided to strip the Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution too.

Tell me what you think, write a comment.

Written by PeterFever


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  1. I can understand the need for safety for both police and suspect. However, I can this being abused and I don’t think everyone should be strip searched. The crime should fit the search, but then how do you decide? Common sense says there should be a common medium, but then common sense doesn’t always play out!

    • Yes once you are incarcerated, but you can be incarcerated for the reasons I mentioned that were in the actual Supreme Court brief for this case like having a noisy muffler, forgetting to have your dog on a leash, and leaving your turn signal on. If you think those are valid reasons to be strip search, so be it.

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