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Why I’m in Long Beach

Everyone who answered “Long Beach” to yesterday’s blog question was correct. I can’t believe how many people knew exactly where I was located from one picture; that’s great.

I’m in Long Beach at the Imprinted Sportswear Show, meeting with both suppliers and manufactures to expand the clothing I offer on and hopefully extend into a new line of vintage sportswear, and daily wear. This is so much fun because I get to see all the new trends, new fabrics, talk with suppliers, and get a better understanding of the industry.

Peter Le at ISS
Peter Le at ISS

As I was walking around, I stopped to have a churro and my business partner got a photo of me eating it; pretty funny. Well I have to go; I’m off to the comedy club tonight.

Peter Le Eats a Churro
Peter Le Eats a Churro

Written by PeterFever

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