We had a lot of new models join us for The Asiancy Season 7. A lot of porn stars are excited to work with us and this season we added Ray Han, Davey Anthony, and Santiago Figueroa to the PeterFever roster in addition to CodaFILTHY, Jayden Ellis, Diego Vena, Eli Lewis, and Jessie Lee. Ray Han is the gorgeously charming model who gets flustered when he keeps forgetting his lines; but who even needs lines when you look that sexy? Jayden Ellis had a lot to say about Davey Anthony who caught him by surprise. Last and definitely not least, Santiago Figueroa who’s well-endowed, forces the scene the go to break; luckily he didn’t break poor Eli.
Get to know our guys off set and in exclusive interviews in the “Asiancy Season 7 Behind-the-Scenes Part 2”.

Great Season, it just needs Peter to be perfect. Hoping to see you in a scene soon. 😀
The video was great. I got a feeling that the average fan will be too busy undressing Ray Han to care that he keep forgetting his line.