I don’t go to the movies very often but sometimes I hear a lot about a movie because of the hype around that I feel like I should check it out. Captain America: Civil War recently came out and there’s been so much discussion about this movie. It’s being compared to Batman vs. Superman and even the Avengers because they pit two main characters against each other and have the rest of the superheros involved. Let me know what you thought of the movie but no spoilers! Anything else I should check out?

Loved this movie. Went twice to watch it lol
I liked it a lot because it’s different from the others, they are fighting to each other but keeping strong their friendship!
Team Cap because BICEPS!
I can’t wait to see how the relationship between Captain America and Iron Man will change by the end of the film.Good luck to the future.
It’s 1000X better than Batman versus Superman. Batman versus Superman relies on a premise that compromises Superman’s values that make his character a classic. The social/moral argument just doesn’t work for the DC film. Whereas the perspectives of Stark and Rogers align super well with their characters and are reasonable, and so both sides in their tension are equally compelling. Like they divide over a real problem regarding their powers. The script is wayyy better, although some lines are a bit awkward and aren’t delivered that well. In both films I would say that there still is a glass ceiling on the female characters. Capt América is really character-driven, and there is a lot of great action choreography. Batman versus Superman is a bit more scenic and makes impresiones through stage painting, which at times are compelling. Side note: Captain América score is better. Wonder Woman’s leitmotif annoyed me. Sorry, that was like really nerdy of me.