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Novella Series Season 6, Episode 3 “Marketing Tactics” (Photos)

I'll Have You Coming Back For More
I’ll Have You Coming Back For More
Preview the Stay Package
Preview the Stay Package

I was not planning on staying very long during my day trip until I met Steven. He invited me to stay at this new bed and breakfast. His charm and sales skills were almost convincing but what mattered to me was his enormous package. Steven brought me to a room and gave me the full experience.

See the full gallery featuring Steven Walker giving Dominic Pacifico a big reason to stay at the bed and breakfast in Novella Series Season 6, Episode 3”Marketing Tactics”.

Fuck the Sexy Staff
Fuck the Sexy Staff

See the Full Gallery


Written by PeterFever

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Novella Series Season 6, Episode 3 “Marketing Tactics”

Dominic Steel-header

New Model – Dominic Steel