I spent my Sunday attending a food festival we have here week here in Los Angeles called the Smorgasburg. If you did not know, smorgasburg is a Swedish word that has been used to describe a large collection of food. That word fits perfectly with the event because I ate an amazing array of food today. I went a buddy of mine and we had to share in order to try a little bit of everything. There were a ton of food vendors at the event. We had a mac and cheese pizza, lobster rolls, a Cubano sandwich, grill cheese sandwich, and earl grey pie. If you’re a major food lover, you should check it out.

Smorgasburg Food Festival sound like it will be a hit in Brooklyn,NY.My eye open wide when I read the list of the good food and drink. I wish that you video the festival. I know that it would be a hit with your fan. Good luck to the future.
Funny, it actually originated in Brooklyn, NY.