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Peter Fever XX Model of the day: Jessie “The Body” Lee

Jessie Lee is an sexy guy with a great attitude and an amazing build; he’s perfect for our site, and a natural choice to appear as our “model of the day”.

“Hi guys, I really do appreciate all the support and encouragement I have received from modeling; it’s hard work keeping my body so strong, but it’s worth it. Like many guys, I was a skinny kid who got bullied a lot. Changing my eating habits and working out multiple times a day, I feel great about the way I look; what part of my body do you like best? I suggest you watch all the video before picking a part of my body; seeing my solo may help you decide, enjoy.”

Written by PeterFever


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  1. Jessie Lee got the right name The Body. He looks like a real winner. I can’t wait to see future video/ photo in the near future. He should have his own calendar like Peter Le did.

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