How would you feel if someone you been with for many years gives you a book called The Multi-Orgasmic Man? Would it feel like a slap in the face? Like your partner is saying, “The sex sucks,” or would you think, “Yeah I’ll give it a read?”
For my friend’s birthday, he decided to give me a gift. Usually I don’t like to read books that are given to me . Most of the time it ends up being something that they are interested in, not me. Also, I read different things depending on my mood. I wouldn’t read a book about improving a relationship if I’m not currently with anyone.
This is the first time in a long time that a book was given to me and I started reading every chance I had. Of course I want my sexual experience and pleasure to be maximized. I agree with the book when it says, “…when a man cums, he loses all his energy.” I think many of us have experienced this.
This book teaches you techniques on controlling your climax and how to have multiple orgasms. Of course the first time I tried it, if forgot that PJ was in the room. I have to say, he gave me the funniest look when I opened my eyes.
I’m excited about reading this book and learning how to be a Multi-Orgasmic Man. And whoever is the next person in my life, be prepared because I’m going to Rock Your World!
Thanks PW for the book.
Oh my…as in tantric?
it’s possible to have multiple tantric orgasms, I’ve done it, but ejaculate orgasms are more physical, more muscular, and for me, more satisfying.
yo creo que con solo ver a peter en esta pose trendria multi orgamos pues con este cuerpo quien no se masturba que tipo por dios by
Is PJ the name of your friend, or a pet?
I just ordered the book. Who could not use another masturbation book? hehe.
Ah, PW is the friend not PJ. My eyes are being selectively blind again.
Sweet!!! Haha can i be the next person! Heart you Peter finally got caught up on your blogs and I enjoyed each one
maybe he just want u to try some new things.