I spent my most of day, Friday, looking at Craigslist. No I’m not looking at the personals, but at TVs and Xbox’s for sale. I have been on the road so much lately and I just feel like I need some down time and the best way to do that is to play “Left 4 Dead 2” against my friends. As a minimalist, I don’t have a TV or an Xbox; actually I don’t have much of anything in my place. I checked out Craigslist because I like negotiating to get a good bargain and then drive minutes later to pick it up. My buddy Joe is an emotional bidder on eBay and really gets into it. Today I started getting excited when I had 10 different people calling me back with prices.
So around 2 p.m., I was able to get my Xbox 360 wireless with a hard drive, two wireless controllers and the game “Left 4 Dead 2” for $140. They wanted $160, but I talked him down. I can’t wait to kill some zombies tonight.
OMG, I just got a call from a guy in San Francisco; I got the TV I wanted for $150. Right after I post this, I’m heading up to his place to pick it up. Maybe I will tear off my shirt when I get there and see if he will come down some more on the price. I’ll see you guys online.

hmmm… u better play it with someone else…hehe sometimes i used to play alone too..
Cool!, you should try Dead Space 2!. Its scary and exciting!, its similar to Left 4 Dead 2 so I think you’d enjoy it. Whats you XBOX gamer handle?, mines LEXX the Slayer.