When it comes to fighting games, this is where I shine. I started playing Street Fighter 2 when it first came out in the arcades. In middle school, my friends and I would hang out at arcade places and spend our lunch money on this game. Back then doing the character’s special commands where so cool and we would high five each other when we land the move without any mistakes.
Fast forward to 2012, the Street Fighter game has evolved into Marvel vs Capcom 3 Ultimate. I spend most of my free time playing and watching Youtube videos to master combos. I thought the series had ended until the Playstation Experience event announce that they are coming out in 2017 Marvel vs Capcom Infinite. I’m so excited of this game. I would say is my all time favorite game. Check out the trailer https://youtu.be/tpQ_l1XHL_g

Marvel vs. Capcom 3 sound like it will make a great live/animated film/series.I can’t wait to see how you will make it into a future video.