I’m making another guest appearance at Gameboi tonight, Saturday, and I can’t wait to see you guys there. The address is 520 4th Street in San Francisco, from 9:30 – 2:30 a.m. I have no idea what I should wear; obviously the shirt I wear into the club won’t matter because it will be torn off in a matter of minutes.
So what I need your help deciding is if I should wear my black dress pants or my running pants. The dress pants don’t show my muscles, but the running pants are pretty bright.
Of course I could just strip that off too and go in my Official League briefs. What do you think?

The black dress pants look nice & classi, I think the white loose soft casual{cotton}pants,
like pajamas type, will look very sexy on you too !
Go in the dress pants. Save the running pants and briefs for me. I wish I lived in the Bay Area to see you.
I agree, the black dress pants are the best. They don’t show every ripple, but the imagination fills in the gaps much better than the eye. The running pants are a bit too overstated (nice, though).
Certainly I feel the black dress pants is better . But , how come you didn’t choose jeans or casual pants ? I want to go there to support you but I can’t make it now ! 🙁
Sorry you can’t make it. Next time.
Wear a nice long sleeve shirt and some khaki pants. It’s not necessary to take off your shirt —- remember there are always plenty of other guys who are good looking too! They don’t have to take their shirt off — their confident and mature knowing that having a 6 pack body frame isn’t that important in life.
Apparently you haven’t been to Gameboi. It gets crazy. Most people are lucky to have their pants on at the end of the night let alone their shirt.
I perfer you wear black dress pants. It’s looks nice~! Feeling that mystery during that show~! ^-^…
Peter, the black pant looks nice! What exact time will u show up?
Between 9:30 and 10
black dress pants!!! you look soooo nice!!!
ChangHeui preference’s right gray pants..
Because, very Sexy & fashionable..
I want to buy right gray pants..
I want to go to SF..
>> Korea FAN ChangHeui-Lee <<
The running pants are hella tight showing off that nice ass but I think for GameBoi, I would pick the black dress pants. The Official League brief look hot as well, but between the black dress pants and the running pants, I would say go in the dress pants, even though it doesn’t show your muscular legs it does show that you have a nice butt.