
Shaved or Not Shaved, You Decide

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Written by PeterFever


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  1. Please don’t shave! Men have hair, that’s part of what’s hot about them. Maybe you can shave for a shoot, but please let it grow back.

    BTW, you come across on your blog vids and others as having a really nice personality. That REALLY makes you even sexier.

    Oh, and thanks for all the great foot shots. Yummmm.


  2. Don’t shave. You have the genetic gift of your Asian ancestry that keeps your boyish looks and with the masculine pit, ass, leg hair gives you a fuckin man-boy appeal.

  3. Please don’t shave. The whoel shaving thing is out of control these days. It’s nice to see a fellow Asian with some body hair, especially one as hot as you!

  4. I prefer you don’t shave, your body is so smooth and that black armpit hair is smoking hot. Also please never never never shave your pubes or around you hole. Nothing like that beautiful asian black hair to contrast against your great skin color. Love it!!

  5. Hey, you’re Asian, not really hairy by nature anyway. I would prefer you to keep a thick natural bush, armpit hair and my fav…asshole hair. Peter, if I know Asian, their hairs won’t go runaway crazy anyway. Keep those hair…I like you manly. But to other fans, to each his own.

  6. Peter, I’d love to fly over and help you shave. I’m forming a mental picture already … you lying face down, stark naked, legs wide apart, a cushion underneath to raise your butt up in the air, while I gently make it nice and smooth in the ass crack and around the hole … and as we know, a smooth hole makes for easy entry, so to test the results, first I’d get my tongue in there and lick around nice and slow and deep and then … uh-oh … I do believe I’m getting far too carried away 🙂 … lol … 🙂

  7. smooth legs are ok, but it just looks weird if a guy doesnt have pit hair. my japanese bud has this hair removing thing where it “burns” the hair from the roots, you just glide it on the area that you want to be smooth then wipe it. you will smell burnt hair though, hehe. i think the brand name is No!No!

  8. As always, different opinions, but I reckon you could come to a very nice compromise Peter 🙂 … How about shaving your ass and hole for the likes of Nick, Alex C, MJ and me, but leaving your armpits natural, so as to please Mike, Blue2029 and Adam Lua? … That should do the trick! 🙂

  9. I love it smooth, I’ve been dying to see you with completely shaved pubes and especially shaved hole. Speaking of which there is a real lack of hole shots in your vids and pics! 🙂

  10. I suggest do not shave, because armpits hair is one of the very sexy part of man, leave some natural hair on your beautiful smooth body, it makes you even sexier, Trust me peter, just be the natural way you are.

  11. Please don’t shave, especially your armpits. My favorite pics of you are your pit shots. Clipping a bit is okay, but your natural man hair is hot. Keep the pit shots coming.

  12. Keep the hair. Men have that privilege. But you will look great either way.My partner(Vietnamese) has chest hair a little and it’s great. CHEERS!

  13. I’m with MJ on smoothness and would love to see you with a nice smooth ass crack for the vid cam to zoom in on 🙂 … but you didn’t mention your ass so I guess it’s not up for a vote 🙂 .. lol ..

  14. Hi,
    like I said before: you shoudn’t shave your body except when you are looking like an ape 😉 but I don’t think so :)) and if so you could it trim a bit.

  15. Dear peter
    I prefer you have some hair,It looks so men,so hot,and so sexy!!!But how could I photo with you this weekend?I am in China,would you fly to China this weekend?lol…I am so happy and expect!!!Give me call before you departure,you know my mobile phone number.xixixi..miss you so much!!!

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