I finally got my hands on a copy of this game from Japan that I’ve wanted to play. It’s both a role playing and a puzzle game under the genre of “romantic horror.” I think it’s probably the only game in the entire genre. Basically you are this guy Vincent who navigates his way through a week’s worth of nightmares. If you make it out of the nightmare, you live to see another day; but if you can’t beat the puzzles you die.

It is intense and challenging, perfect for someone like me. Maybe you guys don’t know this, but I’m an accomplished chess player and I love solving puzzles. When Vincent isn’t puzzle solving, he spends his days navigating a moral tightrope between his girlfriend that’s pressuring him to get married and a mysterious dream girl who literally fell into his lap. You get to make all of the decisions for what he says and how he reacts to every situation. Depending on what you choose, the whole course of the story changes.
It’s a lot of fun and I highly recommend it.

Answer the in-game questions truthfully, and let us know if you fall towards the Lawful side or the Chaos side, will ya? 😛
That’s an interesting game! I will def take a look into it.
By the way, do you use a specific skin products? Your skin are so white and pretty to look at! hehe
oh its cool
I didn’t know you played chess too! Have you ever been a member of the USCF?
Oh, you bought it before I do! So, who will you pick in the end? Katherine? Or Catherine? I think you are more likely to lean towards C, right? 😛
What is this?? Surprise~~