Phil gave me a chess set for my birthday last weekend. As I mentioned in my blog about Catherine, I’m a fierce competitor when it comes to chess. I finally got out the set today and played a game with a friend. I’m happy to report that I pinned him to a corner and let him have it. It’s a lot of fun to be playing again, and I have some great mating techniques…checkmate that is. King me, baby!

My Favourite set of photos.I like both eng and chinese chess.Btw ,can ask u one small favour,can add me as friend on facebook (Chiam Brand) if that’s okay.Thanks.
I wish I could add you to FB but I’m maxed out on friends. They only allow 5,000 friends. But check out my fan site http://www.Facebook.com/peterfever
I like playing chess too! Playing with someone on the board game is much more fun compare to online chess.
Ever do strip chess? Kinda like strip poker? lol. Every time you say check to your opponent, that person takes something off. And if you win and says checkmate, then your oppponent have to strip naked! lol.
Trust me, Checkmate means more than just stripping of clothes.
My favorite photos yet! 😉