I’m into anything that makes sex more intense and adult toys are included. As a young child, I liked playing with Transformers and now I’ve graduated into playing with adult toys. This past Christmas, I thought it would be a great idea to buy my friend a sex toy. I went online to purchase a popular adult sex toy for men and had it shipped to his house for Christmas. The toy company reassured me that the package will be shipped discretely and they would use a vague company name.
I told my buddy that I sent him a Christmas gift to his home address without telling him what the package contained. I was waiting to hear from him, so after the holidays, I asked him if he received the gift. He had received it, but went on to tell me this story.
His mother received the package and called him. He said, “That must be the present from Peter.” She insisted on him waiting until Christmas to open it. Then on Christmas morning, with 30 members of his family surrounding him, he opened the box. He said he didn’t realize what it was because there were a bunch of bottle of cleaner and lube in there and he was thinking it was something for his Jeep. Then his 18 year old nephew yelled out, “I know what it is, you stick your dick in it and use it for jacking off.” Needless to say, he was embarrassed. And now his whole entire family calls him the “Master-bator”

I really do not want to believe in this story because I will feel so sad for him! lols.
It’s all true.
lol cute
Well that’s embarrassing. But still funny too.
That would be a very embarrassing Christnas. but since the gift came frm u, i think it’s goin to be very enjoyable afterwards. ü