
Car Donation

Joe and I
Joe and I

Over the weekend, I helped my buddy Joe move down to Vegas. He recently retired and decided to move to luxurious Las Vegas. Joe is one of the best people I know and so incredibly generous. When he moved from the Bay Area to New York City a few years back, he gave his car to a friend in need without asking for anything in return. He’s always doing things like that and while I know not everyone can afford to be so generous, most people who can afford to be really generous usually just buy themselves a second, third, or fourth car.

I have a lot of respect for Joe. His friendship has taught me the importance of giving back. So, when we arrived in Vegas I surprised him with a house-warming gift – my Lexus! It had been gathering dust in a garage back in California ever since I moved to Chicago and I knew Joe would be looking for a new set of wheels when he moved. He was really surprised and tried a million times to pay me for it, but I wouldn’t accept anything more than a hug. He’s given me so much over the years I was happy that I finally got a chance to give him something in return. šŸ™‚

Joe's New Lexus
Joe's New Lexus

Written by PeterFever


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  1. Hey Peter, this is yet another reason to love everything about you. Certainly you are blessed to have a friend like Joe, and Joe is blessed to have you as a friend. True friends are hard to find. God bless you both.

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