I’m serious, this is a real. Please, try not to overreact. I already know what you are thinking, this Tennessee douchebag is stupid.
Apparently, the man found a porn site through Apple’s Safari web browser, which caused him “explicit sexual content which has led to the proliferation of arousal addiction”, which cause his failed marriage and “experience emotional distress to the point of hospitalization” from his 50-page complaint
I don’t know about our porn company’s out there but I created a disclaimer for PeterFever.com season preview.
In addition, I wanted to disclaim by getting a PeterFever.com membership you will have the following side effects:
* constant erections lasting for weeks
* uncontrollable urges to fuck Asian men
* increased sex drive
* possible carpal tunnel syndrome
* dry eyes from watching hours of hot PeterFever porn.

If he joins up to you Peter he will turn gay quick smart, all his problems solved.. my membership just lapsed sorry, what’s wrong with me? your the best thing to come my way for ages, I coming back asap, cheers…
Porn is not an addiction. If a person simply watches pon and actually selects which one he/she watches it means that the person knows what she likes.
I didn’t watch Eric fucking Diego and Robin because I am addicted or something, I did it because Eric looked damn hot pounding their asses.
You might as well block e-Bay and Amazon because they cause shopaholics to shop, or block MMORPGs because they cause geeks to waste time and fail to develop a social life! Where would it end?