That’s right! Season 6 of the Asiancy is underway. We got some new models especially some new sexy Asian men. I can’t say much more, I need to keep it a secret, but I have a strong feeling that this is going to be the best season yet! Here are some pictures as a little sneak peek.

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Definitely need more hot Asian guys!!
Love it
The new muscle hunk looks like he has an ass you just want to eat. 🙂
I hope he is a versatile. I love muscled versatiles.^^
I can’t wait to see what happened in Asiancys 6 season. I hope that the first five season will be release on DVD. Good luck in 2014.
Peter if you join in the sex-play with your new models.. it def will be the ‘best season ever !’
More asian actor plz! Ther a lot of non’asian actors. I just want to see more asian fucking each other *-*
So do I, that’s always want I’m working on.