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Obergefell v. Hodges

I’m sure many of my followers here in the States are closely following the Obergefell v. Hodges case that’s being heard now in the Supreme Court, but for my followers outside the US who aren’t aware – this is an extremely important moment in US history. This historic case that could determine whether states have the power to ban same-sex marriage. A dozen gay couples are challenging the bans that are on the books now in Ohio, Michigan, Kentucky and Tennessee.

Tying a couple’s right to marry to the outdated concept that marriage is solely for the sake of procreation is ridiculous. Families are formed in such diverse ways these days, and besides that – I don’t see anyone stopping a couple of straight senior citizens from marrying each other – and I can almost guarantee they’re not getting married to start a family. But this is the argument that lawyers are making against gay marriage, that somehow allowing the same rights to gay Americans will take away from heterosexual families and that marriage should be tied directly to a man and a woman having children.

I hope more than anything that this is a chance for America to show the same dignity to gay couples that it shows heterosexual couples today. I want everyone to have the right to marry the person they love, no matter what gender that person is. I hope we find ourselves on the right side of history.

Gay Pride
Gay Pride

Written by PeterFever


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  1. I totally agree with you Peter, all the world must make a move about this. Hope that US can make the different, in all the States so the rest of the world can learn! Everyone is free to love who wants to love and to be who wants to be!
    You know I much I respect you Peter, thanks a lot for sharing your opinions!

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Peter Le in “Keeping Busy” (Photos)