The day was all mine, no work, just fun. So I kept myself entertained trying to learn the guitar, doing a little workout, and texting my friends. While lying on the couch, I remembered back in high school when I snuck Darren into my bedroom the first time. It was risky, but romantic. I couldn’t wait to fuck. I tossed him on the couch and just pounded his ass.
Darren, if you’re watching this, I’m still “Keeping Busy” thinking of you.

Hi Peter! You a boxing fan? could you make like a tribute to Manny Pacquiao and Floyd Mayweather by wearing boxing gloves and briefs? hehe! just a suggestion! 🙂 xoxo
I can’t wait to see how you will top this photo. Good luck to the 2016 calender when it finally debut.
Wow nice thanks peter I like it
Peter seems to be having fun!!!
Your body is still one of the best I’ve seen in my life! Very SEXY and great inspiration in fitness!! Man, why don’t try sexy toys as well? I’m not talking about dildo, something else. *^*~ would be so sexy!
I type the wrong word I believe that I should have type your fan wish that they was meeting Darren.
I hope that you will show what this Darren look like in the near future because their fan will wish that they was meeting Darren.