Lately, I’ve heard and experienced myself of other people’s hatred and anger. I can go on and on of the rude names I’ve been called from strangers but I’m here not to bash on them. I’m here to say everyone needs to get out of that bad place in their head and start loving yourself and others. This world has no room for hate. Love is the answer. Be thankful and joyful of other people’s happiness. Because what goes around, comes around. Love you guy!

Never let someone’s negativity affect you. People can be assholes… And some peoples lives are so boring, depressing or otherwise sad that the only way they can feel better themselves is to make someone else out to be the reason for their misery. Always remember there are people who love you just the way you are and everyone else can go screw themselves! :p
So true
Anyone who would seriously trash someone who has championed gay identity (and Asian self-identity vs stereotyping)isn’t worth listening to. On the other hand, you are so impossibly sexy and smart we just have to hate you too.
More Love,Less Hate was great. You sure know how to make any statement sound great. I can’t wait to see your next installment. Good luck to the future.