So why is the studio that started in order to change that being villainized?
This article is our rebuttal to address some recent allegations made on social media and via a blog, by a model that has never worked with us, as well as a Psychologist who we have never met or heard of before. While we completely understand where the writer and models interviewed are coming from, I feel we need to address this because there were some falsehoods mentioned in the article and I think that it paints a one sided, negative view of the relationship between fan sites and studios that I’d like to dispel.
I’d like to start this article by reverting back to our mission statement, which is stated on our website:
“PeterFever was founded in 2009 by Peter Le, with the goal of dispelling negative stereotypes about gay Asians in porn. With a focus on bodybuilders, big dicks, jocks, daddies and even the occasional twink, we believe Asians deserve a seat at the front of the table in gay porn. PeterFever is not an all Asian site, but we are an equal opportunity website that offers up more than just the occasional “token” Asian you might find at other studios. Though the site is no longer run by Peter Le himself, our pledge is to continue in his footsteps by delivering you top notch story driven adult entertainment prominently featuring Asian men; we are gay porn with a mission, and a heart.”
We were recently approached by a writer to help with an article about dispelling prejudices about Asians in porn, something we have had first hand knowledge and experience in. We tried to do everything we could to help her with her article. When we saw a model claim that he won’t work for PeterFever because it is “just owned by some white man,” it’s hard to understand why she wouldn’t counter that when we actually sent her photos of the Owners of the site to include in the article (showing an Asian and non Asian man together). It makes us feel as if the intent behind the article was malign in nature against the studio. While we agree with so much of the substance of the article and points that were made by some of the models featured, in the end it felt like the article was seeking to pit studios against fan sites, which is detrimental to everyone. We totally understand the feeling that Asian men have been marginalized in porn by studios, which is why we have always gone out of our way to create positive change, showcasing Asian culture in a positive light and fighting against racism and stereotypes in the Asian community. The same can’t be said for the other studios mentioned, who only started featuring some token Asian models after we paved the way for them.

The article then goes on to use a Psychologist to imply that because we feature a couple of “feminine models” we are automatically catering to white men’s fantasies and gaze, as if only white men are allowed to like feminine men. This also perpetuates the stigma and bias towards those men that have the “non-traditional” or “non-binary” look. If this was not the intent of the Psychologist, then we would encourage him or her to explain their views to us, because these are exactly the stereotypes that the article seems to foster and perpetuate.
The site was built at a time when there weren’t many masculine Asian men in porn. Peter Le’s vision was to show that Asian men could be hot, muscular and masculine, which I think he succeeded at. But now that times have changed, it seems like things have perhaps gone too far in the opposite direction, where now it is somehow encouraged that we discriminate against feminine men because “white men” like them and Asian men don’t. I don’t think this is a healthy narrative either.
I’d like to take one of our fan favorite models, Nolan Knox, as an example. Most people in the gay world would assume he is a “bottom” because he is a cute twink on the feminine side. Being that we are PeterFever, we made a point to use him as the top, fucking masculine white men, in order to dispel the gay world’s stereotypes that he’d be a “feminine Asian bottom.” The response to that has been incredibly positive, both from Asian and non Asian men. And he has a beautiful big dick on top of it! So while yes, we used a feminine Asian man, I think we have used him in a way that dispels stereotypes, which I’m sure Peter Le would wholeheartedly approve of.
Unfortunately, a couple of Asian American models like to slander us for varying reasons that may include seeing us as competition, miscommunication, gossip, or another reason we aren’t aware of. Our view is that fan models and studios are two very different business models and can coexist beautifully together. I’m not saying our company is in any way perfect. We do always take criticism constructively and have made some mistakes along the way. One of the ways we have tried to improve is by allowing models to choose their scene partners or at least have more of a say about who they have as a scene partner, so there is more of an authentic connection. It’s a point I totally agree with in the article that studios need to be better at.
But overall, I think that the company behind PeterFever has done substantial and consistent work to help the gay Asian community in the past 20 years alongside the efforts of everyone else in the article, so it’s disappointing to see a narrative that is so blatantly against us. We’ve had so many customers and even people we’ve met at bars come to us and thank us, saying that our site has given them self confidence as an Asian man and made them feel more desirable. Or that the site inspired them to become a porn actor themself. That is what makes me so proud of what we’ve accomplished with the website, and why I feel honored that we are able to continue on the beautiful path that Peter Le laid out for us. Will we continue to make mistakes? Probably. Will we continually try to improve our operations and be better at what we do? Absolutely.
We do our best to cater to all tastes and respect and love all of our performers. If any of these people came directly to us to criticize us, we would be more than happy to engage and figure out how we can be better at our craft. I believe that there is a difference between constructive criticism and outright bashing, and I know where certain recent allegations fall. Our company is made up of allies, friends and fellow tribe members and I believe we can all do better than this.
I don’t speak for anyone aside from myself and the studio, but I understand where the criticism lies when statements are made about the unequal treatment of certain people due to their race, body, looks, etc. in the realm of studio work. However, PeterFever is striving against that and, as per our mission statement above, we are actively working to be inclusive of everyone. We cannot change if we are not allowed to change. There are so many ways we can work together. Why not allow ourselves to help each other grow our businesses and promote each other? There is no reason to attempt to pit “studios versus onlyfans” as this article seeks to do, when there are so many ways we can work together helping each other grow our businesses and promoting each other. There are honestly so many amazing opportunities in this world. That is why we work so closely with all of the models we employ, whether it’s promoting them to all our fans and followers (helping them grow their fan sites) or helping them launch their own businesses and paysites which we have done with many of our models. We believe in lifting people up, not dragging people down.
Let me just end this by saying we live in a time where our real enemies on the religious right are seeking to divide us. With all the anti-porn, anti-trans, anti-drag legislation being passed around the country, now more than ever we should be fighting together against these injustices. We now have multiple states that are blocking all porn sites! We are going to be here, taking a front seat in that fight, and encourage you to join with us by joining organizations such as the FSC to fight injustices against sex workers and the adult industry. That is why this month, we are donating 20% of our profits to said organization. We put our money where our mouth is and would encourage more onlyfans creators to do the same, or else we won’t have any industry left to fight over.
And now let’s get back you back to the fun stuff. Let us know what you think!
I am one of PeterFever’s Asian fans and so sick of OnlyFans performers, you join their site and never know what you get, sometimes it’s just shitty videos that are poorly shot if they even update. Then on top of it, they ask you for MORE money just to see a cumshot after you already signed up. It’s no wonder why people are going back to the studio sites where at least we are guaranteed some quality and great updates without constantly being asked to tip and pay more and more money for nothing. Then when you hear the holier than thou attitude of these guys, throwing stones when they are just having free sex with all the same boring group of “creators” for money but acting like they are so much better for it, it’s just such a turn off, I’d never want to join their site or support them with such bad attitudes and rudeness. So just keep doing what you do and ignore these bad guys!
Thank you for your comment asian9sequ. In fairness, I don’t think the models are “bad guys,” but it is possible they are either misinformed or uneducated on things. I do see what you are saying about issues with quality on fan sites, there are no previews so you really never know what you are going to get. We do support all our models having their fan sites though, and hope that by getting a taste of them through our site that you might like them enough to give their fan site a try. We have been very proud to help launch careers for many of our models that have gone on to be very successful, and are always supportive. Let’s try to keep things constructive. 🙂