This was posted as a comment by a fan yesterday to my article What Stimulates You Sexually and I thought I would share it with all of you. Here’s what JW said:
Actually, I know several women who get off on gay porn. In fact, I remember several years ago when a buddy of mine had gone through a nasty breakup and he had stayed with me for awhile. One evening, a female friend of ours had come over for dinner and a movie. Afterwards, while washing the dishes and cleaning up, she had been drinking quite a bit and kept insisting that I need to go and sit with my buddy because she could tell that he needed to vent. Reluctantly, I finally gave in and she went into one of the bedrooms and fell across the bed.

She was right in her analogy, he did want to talk. Little did I know that moments later he would start grabbing his crotch and revealed to me how horny he was. I resisted at first, until he got up and changed the channel on the TV and it landed on one of those late night CineMax adult series. He started moaning and came over and straddled me while sticking his tongue deep down my throat. He nibbled on my ear and whispered, “Let’s go into your bedroom and get naked so we can fuck”.

As I followed him into my bedroom, we got into some pretty intense sex that his moaning went all out loud, dirty talk and loud shrieks. In the back of my mind, I was wondering if she had woken up from his loud banter.
When I flipped him over to ride my dick, I looked behind him and there she was standing in the doorway naked and masturbating. He still had no clue that she was there. The next day, she told me how long she was standing there and how much she enjoyed it and wanted to see us do it again.
Thanks JW, that’s one hot fucking story.

what if that someone was a relative of yours? Siblings, cousins, etc? Would you stop or still be going? lol
I don’t know what to say Peter le I wish I was involved on this sex, but really clicked together.
WOW..I just had the chance to take my daily visit to your blog when I saw that my response to your blog post from yesterday was the center of your topic discussion for today. I’m glad you liked my story. What is such a coincidence is that I was at a dinner party this past Sunday and I ran into this guy there. We shared some fond memories to say the least…thanks for honoring me with sharing my story with your bloggers.
No problem, that is a hot story, thanks for sharing it.
I love you just the way you are, Peter..
Yes it was!
I wonder how awkward it would be if I were having sex with a guy and suddenly a girl was watching us. I think I would stop the action lol.
It would not stop me, I love the idea of someone watching me. It is a huge turn on.