Now that I’m finally getting settled in my new place, I wanted to help everyone achieve their fitness goals. I plan on releasing at least two fitness videos a week, but I need your help. What kind of fitness videos are you guys looking for? I usually get the question, “How do I lose stomach fat?” I could answer that but it’s going to take hours of explaining every little detail.
I’m looking to make clips that are typically five minutes long. Are you guys looking for me to demonstrate specific exercise? Maybe exercises that you can do at home? Write your ideas in the comments section.

Hey petter i think the video about cutting would be a great idea you dont have to make it big maybe 5-10 min and tell us how to have definition like you it would be extremly usefull 🙂 tnx in advance :*
I know it’s not sexy, but I would like to see more of what you eat. I know diet is 85% of fitness and see what you eat and maybe even how you make it would be helpful. Especially if you cook naked. 🙂
Can you show me the way to lower body fat without diet, just exercise and normal eating!
Hey Peter
I heard you only workout 3 times a day/45 mins. But what exercises do u incorporate in those 3 workout days?
Can you make some short videos with some good exercises in the gym. Maybe like Scott Herman does. I’d like to learn some new exercises I could try in the gym.
I think home exercises would be great. I’ve always thought (and still do think) you’d be successful putting out a line of exercise programs a la P90x or other Beach Body type products. You definitely have the knowledge, the looks and (most importantly) the personality.
How about specific exercises we can do while we are away from home and our gym -- when on the road, traveling.
What can you do in a typical hotel room?
Maybe do some training videos to show the exercises you do for each body part, some cooking videos to show how and what meals you prepare and some lifestyle videos of going to the gym eating out, what kind of food and which type of places are good to eat at.
I wanna build my abs, but i still have fvcking fat so i can’t build my abs now.. I’m on my way to burn that fat.. I have swim and it burn that fat little bit.. Can you help me to burn my fat in expresses way but just home-cardio please, beacuse i don’t have enough time to visit gym.. Thanks, Pete!
I’m always looking for new tips on getting bigger legs and specifically calves. Is it better to work your calves with a low weight/high rep or high weight/low rep routine?
Video on dead lifts and squats. Anything explaining form is what I look for most. And maybe an update on nutrition. You did a great one way back.
My chest and abs are my biggest challenge. Wish I could get a chest implant! I want your chest!
I was wondering if you can create some sort of weekly exercise routine and showcase each execution… PLUS diet and supplement tips!!!! Im having difficulty getting into a routine ever since i moved to the US… need some motivation…. to get a physique like you
To me abs and the back is the most difficult parts to built up