I don’t know about you, but I think taking a shower is one of the best feelings in the world. I feel clean, invigorated, and renewed when I’m finished. It’s also my time alone when I can just relax and forget about the world.

In the morning, a shower warms up my muscles and gets me ready to take on the day. At night, I wash off all of the sweat and impurities I picked up throughout the day before I go to bed. I have a ritual too; I start by sitting under the water for a couple of minutes. Then I wash my hair, my face, my chest and back, then my cock and ass, after that my legs and finally my feet. When I’m done, I just sit under the water for a few more minutes, letting my mind wander.

Then I turn off the water, grab a clean towel and start drying off. I don’t completely dry myself off, because I like to air dry, so I only get the big water drops off. Then as I stand in front of the mirror to brush my teeth and hair, my body dries naturally. I finish with putting baby oil on my skin to keep it nice and soft and supple. It’s an experience I look forward to each day, often twice a day. And those are the benefits of showers.

OH,Dear peter
I support you!!!
Don’t Don’t Don’t circumcised!!!!Please!!!
I like you are nature!!!
Hey Peter -- great stuff. Love the behind the scenes stuff -- hope you do more. Kind of hot to see at least one white guy as a contrast to the Asian beauties.
I am not expecting an answer but are you going to get circumcised?
Thanks, yes there will be more behind the scenes videos at the end of the season. No plans on ever getting circumcised, I’m very happy as I am.
It prove one thing that you treated like it is a temple. I hope that you will have a long life.
love u so much Peter
Oh,Dear my peter
You finally updated your blog!!!
I worry about you.because you have no any news few dys.
I miss you!!Take care youself!!
William -- I’ve been filming Season 3 in Las Vegas and didn’t have internet connection. But the shoot went well.