This weekend i decided to update my bedroom decor. You guys know that even though I love to live the high life, I am also a total penny pincher when it comes to certain things. My bedroom remodeling project was one of those things I wanted to try to do on a budget.
So, a couple of my friends and I drove out to the nearest IKEA so I could give my love shack an overhaul without spending too much. After we got back to my place and started assembling the furniture, all my friend Joe could talk about was how he used to have an IKEA bed, but every time he got too wild having sex with his boyfriend on it, the bed would collapse and fall apart right under them.
I took that as a challenge to see how quickly I could make my new bed collapse from some frenzied fucking and immediately went out to recruit some volunteers to help me test it out. Well, no matter how wild I got or how hard I tried I just could not break this bed! And trust me, I tried all night long. I guess IKEA is making their furniture out of stronger stuff than they used to!

Hahaha, very funny 😉
Btw, what’s the brand of the underwear you’re wearing?
Oh, I have my answer with your new video ^^ 2eros