This season there are New Beginnings between Jessie and Eric, New Relationships when Diego comes on the scene, Secret Agendas as Spencer and Mitch plan to take over The Asiancy, and Deception Reigns as Spencer tricks Jessie into thinking he wants to be part of his life again.
The Asiancy – Season 3
Begins November 7th

WOW Fantastic !!! BRAVO !!! Well Done Bro.
You Are The BEST !!!
Sexy very much
Hi Peter! I’m Lucky Jade from the Philippines and I’m one of those gays who has a very big crush on you! been following you since 2010 and seeing you on the net makes me appreciate asian male beauty. by the way I haven’t thanked you yet for being interactive as much as you can on some of the posts and comments on your daily blog. my comments were kindly answered by you and I feel really happy about it. I admire you not just because of your sexuality but also with your confidence and way of thinking. you are a person with substance and I hope you visit our country and see you in the flesh. by the way, If you’re not so busy, I would just like to ask for a crazy request. I actually feel embarassed but I’ll still give it a try. Can I ask for a sexy Birthday fan sign from you? It’s actually my Birthday several hours from now and it would be really an awesome birthday present (as I’ve mentioned on your birthday post that our birthdays are just 1 day apart =) ) thank you soooo much and keep on rockin! lovin’ and supportin’ you always!
Happy Birthday Jade. I hope it is wonderful!