I read and heard from the news that college kids are doing beer bongs up their butt and girls are soaking their tampon and inserting it in their vagina. It works if you wanted to get really wasted with one beer because it your body absorbs to your blood immediately. Drinking alcohol would have to go through the breakdown of your digestion process, which a small percentage gets into your body. It’s crazy thinking about it, but they have a valid reasoning. If they ever get pulled over by a cop, they can pass the alcohol breathe test.
Well, I thought that was crazy until I heard TLC’s “My Strange Addiction upcoming episode that they have a couple from Florida who are addicted to “coffee enemas”. Supposedly, you get 4 times the caffeine compared to drinking it. I’m not sure if or when we evolve, would we need our teeth and mouths anymore. I’m just not surprise anymore, what we can fit up there anymore.