Lifting heavy weights isn’t the only thing that going to help you lift heavier weight. Recovery is just as important. Foam rolling helps get rid of adhesion in your muscles and connective tissue. I say for every hour I spend training a muscle, I spend 5 – 10 minutes stretching and foam rolling a week. If I train legs for three hours in a week, I spend 15- 30 minutes stretching a week. I noticed a huge improvement when my muscles are loose, I feel more blood flow and able to push more. My favorite roller is the orange roller because I can take it anywhere and I spend quite a few time using it while I’m watching TV. Try it, it will help your muscles recover faster.

We miss you peter! when will you release a solo video thats why i joined the site !
Foam rollers are the best! I’m a dancer and omg they hurt but the result is great. Reduces knots and tension for me like crazy.
I can’t wait to see the next installment.Good luck to the future.