Since last year my friend has started making it an annual thing to give me a book by Peter So. He is famous for his practice in So Sect of Feng Shui and modern Feng Shui theories. Last year I […] More
It’s Lunar New Year! This is year is the year of the ram, sheep, or goat depending on how you see it. It’s a great time to be around family, bring positive energy into your life, and experience Asian culture. […] More
We live in an age of electronic transaction, so what is the point of having cash in hand nowadays. I remember watching Family Feud and the game question was, how much money do Americans have in their wallet? The number […] More
Happy Lunar New Years! This year is the year of the horse and it is believed to bring balance and stability for people. Every year my family follows the traditional superstitions in order to bring in good fortune. I figured, […] More
Ever since I moved to Chicago, I have found a total of 58 dollars and some change. I recently found 20 bucks near a grocery store last week and since then I’ve been on the look out for more money. […] More
My friends have been constantly talking to me about the lottery and how big the jackpot is. I don’t usually take chances on things like since it’s a long shot, but I figured that this is a much easier way […] More
I remember as a college student, my friends and I were too broke to afford supplements for our bodybuilding lifestyle. One of our buddy who lived on campus would sneak us in to the campus cafeteria, where most of the […] More
When I think of mobile app games that slowly make you bleed money, I think of Farmville. I’m not a against playing these games; I just don’t understand spending money on virtual games. I used to make fun of my […] More
Well Chicago is not the biggest city but it’s ranked the third largest city behind NYC and LA. With all the new technology for iPhone 5 or the Samsung 3S, that can do anything from taking panorama photos, or bumping […] More
This weekend i decided to update my bedroom decor. You guys know that even though I love to live the high life, I am also a total penny pincher when it comes to certain things. My bedroom remodeling project was […] More
I couldn’t believe what had happen. Last summer, I was hanging around the city with some friends, we had lunch and afterwards my buddy decided he wanted to see a psychic for relationship problems. He dragged me along and insisted […] More
I’m pretty sure that everyone in their lifetime has let family members and friends borrow money during tough times. I know that before you let someone borrow your money, you should determine if that amount is worth losing because in […] More