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Today I’m taking my niece and nephew Christmas shopping. I know, Christmas is over, but so are the endless lines waiting for the cashier. Now my niece and nephew can take their time to find things they like.
My brother always tells me not to buy them anything because they have enough toys filling the house. My nephew, Ryan, has almost the entire collection of Star Wars and my niece, Emily, loves playing games on her Wii that I bought her last year. She loves playing tennis with me on the Wii when I come over so she can prove how much better she is than the last time.
Ryan is lucky because his birthday is this weekend, so that means he can pick out an extra gift. The hard part about taking them Christmas shopping is chasing them around the toy store and listening to them give me every reason why they think I should buy this or that. Kids are great, but I’m glad that I’m just an uncle right now; they can wear me out faster than going to the gym all day.

you good uncle and good body
Dear peter,you are a happy uncle!!I admire you so much!!Takecare youself!!Miss you!!!
You sound like a great Uncle and proud too! I have two nephews and 1 niece and love spoiling them. It is great to see the world and experience it with them and through their innocent eyes. Cherish those moments- they will grow up so quickly. Go Uncle Pete.