I recently did an interview with Kevyn on Queerious.com. You should check out the full story at http://queerious.com/2011/01/20/peterfever/; here is a snippet:
Who is Peter Le and where has he been all of my life? If they ever start mass producing men like they do with this man, you can bet I would sell my unborn baby to a cult to be the first in line to get one. I recently had the pleasure (and how pleasurable it was) to interview the all American-Vietnamese Peter Le, who has been making headlines within the LGBT and Asian-American community, as well as breaking stereotypes, barriers and my hymen.
Thanks to my good friend (who will further be known as the Blonde Ninja), I was able to sit down with Peter Le for nearly two hours, which is roughly about the same amount of time I spent on his website, Peter Fever, doing “research”.
Check out the rest of the article at http://queerious.com/2011/01/20/peterfever/.
you know, when you are shirt-less, you’re a sexy man
when you wear Tshirt, you look so cute