
My Monkey Feet Socks

PeterFever's Monkey Socks
PeterFever's Monkey Socks

As you already know, I love wearing my monkey feet shoes (previous article). But after a year of wearing them, these shoes really stink! Every time I get home and take them off,  I have to run to the bathtub to wash my feet stinky feet. The purpose of wearing these shoes is to give me a barefoot walking experience, which means you wear the shoes without socks. There are a lot of great benefits for wearing them, but that’s another story. It’s also perfect for a minimalist like me. But now that the smell is becoming unbearable, I decided to buy monkey socks to wear with them. What do you think?

Monkey See, Peter Do
Monkey See, Peter Do

Written by PeterFever


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  1. im so into feet , i wanna take em off for you. it can be a sexual turn on to… 🙂 smell is a turn on to if not real bad …but coming off your feet i would love..hit me up and ill prove it and kiss all over your toes….

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