All You Can Eat Deep Fry – that is the theme of the restaurant I had dinner at with my friend. We met up and he decided to take me to a kind of Japanese food I hadn’t tried yet called Kushi Katsu. When you order you get all kinds of different bite-sized portions of breaded and deep fried treats on sticks. It was fun; they let you deep fry your own skewers.

For $20 each, we were able to hang out for 2 hours eating as much as we could fit in our tummies. They had many things to choose from; my favorite was the mochi cheese doughnuts that you fry and then pour maple syrup on.

After dinner we went to the dessert bar complete with a soft serve ice cream and a chocolate fountain. I’m definitely on vacation, this is not the typical all protein PetePhysique diet.

For the real PetePhysique diet, check out

Did they let you put your big toe in the chocolate fountain so someone could enjoy it?
Actually that’s a great idea, I didn’t think of that.
I’m also all abt diet and healthy lifestyle. But please you only live once. When your dead, you don’t get to eat those again lol. So just enjoy the great foods from life!!!
Hey, Peter! When are you coming back home??
Pete, can i have the name of the restaurant? its definitely a place i wanna visit on my next trip, thanks 😀