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Dirty Talk

Dirty Talk
Dirty Talk

Sometimes I end up in the weirdest situations. Yesterday I was walking around Chicago, enjoying the city. I called my mom up to wish her Happy Mother’s Day a little early, because I’m going to be busy filming the first 6 hardcore videos for this weekend and I’m sure with all of those hot and sweaty naked men around fucking, I might forget to call her later.

After I got off the phone, I realized I needed to get home fast and change for a dinner party I was going to later. So I caught a cab, since I’m still getting use to the trains and not always sure which ones to get on. I told the driver my address and we headed out. As he was driving, I overheard him speaking Vietnamese to his boyfriend on the phone. He said, “I’m going to paddle your ass until you can’t take it anymore. Then I’m going to tie you up in that new Sex Swing and fuck the shit out you. Oh, did you find that bondage bar? I want to make sure you can’t get away this time, because I have something new I want to do.” Just then the car stopped, he turned around to me and said in English, “$22.50.” I paid him and got out of the car. As he was about to leave, I said to him in Vietnamese, “You should film it, I curious to know what happens next.” The guy just smiled and drove off.

You know, sometimes it pays to know other languages, because most people just assume you only speak English. One thing is for sure, I’m taking cabs more often in Chicago.

Chicago Cabs
Chicago Cabs

Written by PeterFever


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  1. Maybe the driver knew you Peter? And pretending talking to someone over the phone in Vietnamese and was describing what he wants to do with you instead? Either way, what a hot experience! lol

  2. LOL, I love when that shit happens. Just their expressions when they find out on their faces is priceless.

  3. Can’t wait. I hope your at least in one of the video. I can’t imagine what it would be like to bottom for you. Bet of luck.

  4. Hey Peter thats right, to speak and understand other languages is allways a plus . I would love to hear you saying something in german. Can you ?
    I Could teach you.

  5. It was an intriguing encounter, and you made it up? I also speak some other languages, but never Vietnamese as it is way too difficult to pick up. Good luck, Pete.

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