My friend Carlos flew out to Chicago to see me last week and I wanted to show him the Chicago nightlife so I took him to a bar. He blurted out that he and his partner had tried BDSM in the bedroom for the first time. If you didn’t know, BDSM stands for “Bondage, Domination, Sadism, and Masochism.”
He was telling me about the swing they went to go buy from a sex store, playing with whips, and being gagged. He said a lot of people who try BDSM, usually have a safe word in case it gets too rough, but he never had to use it. He loved it! He couldn’t stop talking about it. He recommended it and said he couldn’t wait to do it again.
I’m curious to see how you feel about BDSM and what people’s safe words are, leave a comment below.

I responded, I really don’t want to experience BDSM. Too dangerous for my taste lol. However, I love it, when the guy having sex with me has total complete control. I so love being a 100% bottom! LOL
I,m not into that, it’s not my cup of tea, but,watching people to do that sometimes is O.K.
So, when can you perform BDSM on me???