I had the most sexual experience tonight. Usually I’m in command when I’m on LiveCams but this time things took an interesting turn when I logged on and started chatting with MuscularMaster. He’s not as naked as you see him in the pictures. He was fully clothed and I wanted to see more, but he wasn’t going to take it off so easy. For each article of clothing I wanted off, I had to do a sex act to try to get him turned on. First I had started fingering my nipples and then I moved on to finger my hole. When he finally took off his clothes, he didn’t have to ask me to jerk off, he was fucking hot, I already couldn’t resist. I was indeed his obedient servant.
It’s be so hot if you actually recorded these chats and posted them on your website.
Muscular Master sure look like he will bring out the best in anyone. Good luck in 2014.