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Lockdown Movie of the Week: “No Touching at All”

Sometimes the internet presents you with little mysteries. Fortunately it also gives us the tools to solve them. Today we found a Japanese gay romantic drama on YouTube with the inscrutable title for the clip listed as “”Asian Gay 18+ Full Movie”. Intrigued we checked it out and found it had all the expected elements: two guys different as night and day, complications, tears, kisses and finally a happy ending. Fortunately perusing the comments we got the additional info that it’s called “Doushitemo Furetakunai” (No Touching At All) and it’s based on a popular Japanese manga. Shy officeboy Shima has a secret crush on his brash, handsome, conceited new boss, and they embark on a starcrossed romance. So here it is in full-length courtesy of YouTube, and it’s well worth a watch–by the way it comes with English subtitles.
The Asian gay mystery title of the week: “Doushitemo Furetakunai”

Once these romantic young heroes get you all hot and bothered, work off the tension with a visit to PeterFever!

Written by PeterFever

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