I realize that I’m getting to be more like my father with things. When I was growing up and things started to break, my mother would nag my father to do something about it. My father’s would say, “If it’s not broken, why fix it?” I always thought my dad was cheap or just didn’t want to deal with it; but now I understand him better.
About a month ago, my brakes started squeaking. I asked my friends and they said that the brakes are starting to go out and I should probably have them checked. So I went to Wheel Works and they said my brakes should last about another 5,000 miles. So I figure I can wait.

About a week later I pulled up to pick up a date, only to hear about my squeaking brakes. Then my buddies started complaining about the noise when we would go out. And even my clients say something when I pulled up to the gym. I don’t care if it sounds like fingernails on a chalkboard, I’m not getting them done until the 5,000 miles are up.
I guess other people might think I’m cheap, just like I use to think my dad was cheap. But I don’t want to waste money on something that still works. Of course my microwave and dishwasher don’t work anymore, but I haven’t replaced those because I found that I don’t really use them. I figure it helps me further my pursuit to be a minimalist, as long as I can survive without it, then why fix or replace it. What do you think?
… remember Peter.. the single most important component of a moving vehicle.. is it’s brakes. Not the size of the engine, or the sound system, or the sexy exterior.. it’s the brakes. Never skimp or take chances with the mechanical capability of your vehicle’s brakes.
I hear an army of inner moms saying: troi oi, do be careful when you hit the 135 mph with those brakes nhe?!! Peter Le all scratched and dented -- yeah, but only if it’s for a photoshoot!
Making the most of the minimal vs. to have only few, but highly functional possessions?? At least you are treating your things like good old friends -- that’s noble!
Hey, I kind of agree with you… but it depends on what it is. What if the guy from Wheel Works is slightly wrong and told you the wrong info? Depends on whether you can put up with the squeaky brake noise for 4,500 more miles too… It’s good to streamline your life and weed out the unnecessary spendings. But on brakes, I would be more cautious coz it’s kind of your own life and others’ while on the road! Take care and I always think you are physically the perfect Asian male species!
I don’t know what your dad knows about mechanics.. but your brake pads are rubbing their metal pads against your brake drums, or your brake discs. The metal on metal sound you hear is buiit into the design of the pads so you’ll know when it’s time to change them. The worn pads are scoring your drums and discs and could warp them.. and might damage them so much they can ‘t be readily turned and reconditioned. You won’t like buying new drums or discs for your car.. ’cause they’re kind of expensive. You’re not saving your money as much as you’re placing yourself in a situation where an otherwise simple brake job might cost you a lot more.
Not a bad idea. Brakes are made with a metal
Piece that once the brake pad wears down it is exposed and it rubs the rotor to tell u the brakes are wearing out. You can run the brakes but keep in mind that if the rotors are too badly worn -- they cannot be ground smooth and used- they will need replaced. Who ever measured your pads should have told you how thick they where and how much thickness you have left to use up. Be safe.