After winning the GNC Men’s Physique Championship, I took a break from my regular training routine. I began eating junk and fast food because I don’t have time to cook and I’ve also been drinking with my buddies more often. But it is time to get back in shape so I can take off my shirt at the beach this summer. I following the Pete Physique Intermediate Workout Plan outlined in my books at In this phase, I’m able to continue building muscle while shedding my fat by doing cardio. I’m also able to cut my training from 3 days / 45 minutes to 3 days / 30 minutes. And I do a power lift while maintaining my ripped physique.
If you want to look like me, check out my books at:
Pete, I’m doing the Insanity fitness program, and I’d like some advice. I’m almost done with the first month of the program, and I haven’t seen too many results from it yet. I’m following a much healthier eating routine from it, but I haven’t noticed too many changes in my body from doing it.
Who would ? Nothing’s for free dude 😉 if it was your lover, you’d have to give your affection in return (which is actually the most valuable & rare thing to offer) 🙂
Talk about rubbing my huge pecs, I had a great massage tonight. Too bad I can’t find someone that will massage me for free.
Come on, you can’t find s.o. who’ll massage you for free??! Just don’t ask: ‘well, what do you think is my price?’ upon meeting people! 🙂
But seriously, happy beach-prep! If this is how you look after a month of junk food and alcohol…(°~°)!!
If you can have a video featuring you working out at gym naked it would be tasty
Me again! I’ll get back with you after I’m done with the second, more intense month. If I’m unsatisfied with my results I just may try your program :3
Ok and good luck!
love those pants. what kind pants are those and where can i get one? hahaha… (hoping to look as good as you when i wear one… hahahaha.)
hey peter can you please make a wrestling video?
I’ll need a partner; any suggestions?
Pete, I’m doing the Insanity fitness program, and I’d like some advice. I’m almost done with the first month of the program, and I haven’t seen too many results from it yet. I’m following a much healthier eating routine from it, but I haven’t noticed too many changes in my body from doing it.
Try my program, I get people sending me their results all the time.
Come to Atlanta…I massage you for free anytime!
I would have given you a free massage. Something you would never forget. lol.
Who would ? Nothing’s for free dude 😉 if it was your lover, you’d have to give your affection in return (which is actually the most valuable & rare thing to offer) 🙂
good for you. and lucky masseuse/ masseur 🙂
I would love to rub those huge pecs. your physique is Pe-Terrificly prefect! I know you’ll have another feather on your cap after the competition.
Talk about rubbing my huge pecs, I had a great massage tonight. Too bad I can’t find someone that will massage me for free.
Come on, you can’t find s.o. who’ll massage you for free??! Just don’t ask: ‘well, what do you think is my price?’ upon meeting people! 🙂
But seriously, happy beach-prep! If this is how you look after a month of junk food and alcohol…(°~°)!!