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PeterFever Caught A Fever

Sick Boy PeterFever
Sick Boy PeterFever

In every bodybuilding show I compete in, I always diet to look my best on stage. My last show at the USA Men’s Physique Competition, I worked extra hard and lost a lot of weight. Typically, during the off season, I weigh 178 lbs and for competitions I’m normally around 172 lbs. Over the weekend, I weighed-in at 165 lbs. I put my body through so much stress that I caught a fever.

It is very rare for me to take any kind of medicine; I’ve decided to take some NyQuil and stop training for a week. I even feel like taking a few days off from training my clients, but I know that they need me. I’m never going to put my body through this again; I’m going to diet smarter not harder. For 2012, I plan on completing at every local show and at least one national show. My goal is to win Mr. Olympia in 2013.

I’m going to be Faster, Stronger, and Leaner

Watch Out Everyone!

Sleepy Boy PeterFever
Sleepy Boy PeterFever

Written by PeterFever


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  1. Awww Dude even when your sick you look awesome. I caught that samething home sick here across the bay from you. Hey can I come over and take care of you? LOL. Get better quick.

  2. Dear Peter,

    Me too, it is summer time, I also need to lost weight, build up my muscle and shape…! We keep going to build up our good body!! I need a perfect shape body to me! (*^^*)


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Athlete Ass – New PeterFever Video Released

1 Day Before the 2011 USA Men’s Physique Competition