These have to be some of the hottest photos ever taken. You must check out Jeffierce and Peter wrestling around and later ball handling with each other. Then Jeffierce is in two galleries of his own showing off his perfect cock and tight ass. To see over 180 of these sizzling photos, make sure you Join today.
Wrestling with Jeffierce

Ball Handling

Blue Jeans and Underwear

Jeffierce Cock and Ass

hey hot pics. when do i get to wrestle with u
Any chance on Keni Styles again?
You never know. I talked with him at the Xbiz awards and he is extremely busy, he is on set 5 to 6 days a week. So I was thankful that he flew up for the day to do
Jeffierce is #4 lols. Very cute guy!
Finally first to comment. Hey Peter this has to be one of your best photo shoots ever. And for me, your hottest model to date. He is hunky like you nice dark skin awesome tatto and great smile. How you do it I will never know. Hope to see more of him or you guy’s together in a video. Keep it up Bud EXCELLENT.
Thanks Will, I’m glad you like him. I told him that we need to shoot again soon. He said maybe next month.