I’m moving to LA by the end of March. I’m taking all my belongs and packing it up in a U-Haul truck to drive from Chicago to L.A. I have always wanted to do a road trip in college, but never got the chance to. I’ve heard mixed feedback about driving across country but I don’t mind the drive since my buddy offered to be my second in command if I get too tired. It’s going to take me 2 to 3 days of traveling time, but I’m not in a rush. I think it will be a relaxing trip and I can’t wait to be in warm weather and closer to my friends and family. See you guys back in L.A.

Have you made it to LA yet? How was the ride? Miss you already.
midwestern and especially chicago winters arent for sissies. i ought to know; i grew up in it for 16 years. its why i moved here 35 years ago. you do the math.
california is the place you wanna be. load up your truck and move to beverly. hills, that is. swimming pools. movie stars.
welcome back, peter, to the land of nuts and fruits. youve been gone too long.
We’ll miss you here in Chicago! But…I can’t say there weren’t things I liked about living in Los Angeles when I was there.
Have a safe trip,I am so mad that I did not get to meet you in Chicago. You are the Hottest! Guy on the internet. Good luck to you.
Good luck moving back to LA. I know that you will miss the Chicago Il weather during the winter month.
Please carefully
Didn’t realize you were in Chicago. Too bad I missed you