The best part of living in Chicago is that you can get to anywhere without owning a car, but now that I’m moving to L.A, my friend highly suggested that I needed a car. After doing extensive research on top rated cars, I’m planning on getting the 2014 Mazda 3 Hatchback in either an automatic or manual transmission. In college I used to drive a stick shift 1990 Toyota 4runner and I loved it. It wasn’t a sports car, but I felt like a badass driving manual.
After hearing about L.A. traffic, I’m not sure whether a manual transmission is the way to go. Can I ask for your opinion? Would you recommend auto or manual transmission for L.A commute?

I would only get a manual if I lived outside an urban area. Stop and go traffic is a pain in the neck with a manual. The only other factor that would make me consider a manual is if the engine were really tiny and underpowered. That won’t be the case with a Mazda; they use fairly peppy engines at least in the versions sold in the USA
As I 30 year resident of LA on the westside, I vote for the automatic. Although I enjoy shifting, in LA you’ll spend plenty of time in the car so make it as easy as possible.
As a big fan, welcome to LA!!
I will sell you my Mazda 3
Auto is the easy way to go Peter…
Peter, not an expert, but when I was in the market for a car last year I was considering buying a manual transmission car. A friend of mine warned me against it as they’re apparently difficult to drive when going uphill. Since there’s lots of those in the Los Angeles/Southern California area (I’m thinking particuarly of that stretch of the 405 South starting at Sherman Oaks going up to Mulholland Drive/Skirball Center), you might want to either rethink or do a test run with someone’s manual transmission car before deciding.
I would get an auto because manual is great if you are in a highway traffic. Manual would be murder in a go and stop LA traffic.Good luck to a great driving in your new car.
I prefer auto .
I vote for the manual. Unless you’re commuting a long distance at peak rush hour times, which hopefully you can avoid.
The Mazda is a good car and would be more fun with the manual.
For L.A., you probably should do automatic because you don’t want to keep shifting and down shifting every time.
Peter, with all the stop & starting from traffic your knees will thank you for getting an automatic shift car. Coupled with Mazda’s SkyActive drive your gas milage won’t suffer that much.
Peter Dresel
Go for the automatic. With a manual, you will be continuously shifting in slow traffic on the freeways. I had a manual until I moved to SoCal.