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Training With Earplugs

When I lift weights, the one thing I always wear to focus is ear plugs. I have been using them for sleep and when I ride my motorcycle. I train at golds gym and the majority of the weights are free weights. They are the iron type not the rubber coated one you see at family gyms. When people drop the iron weights to the floor, it creates a high pitch sound that can damage your ear drum depending how close you are. If you are the person doing the dead lift, which is the loudest and heaviest weight you are able to drop, the sound is much louder for you. Wearing ear plugs will protect your sensitive ears, help you focus, and help avoid being distracted by the sound of heavy weights being dropped. Give them a try, they are pretty cheap and great for you.

Training with Earplugs
Training with Earplugs

Written by PeterFever

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Novella Series S5E15 “Working Man – Escort”


Novella Series S5E15 “Working Man – Escort” (Photos)