gym searching
gym searching
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Gym Searching

I once had it all in one place. I’m talking about a gym you can call home. I used to train at Gold’s Gym in the bay area, where serious bodybuilders trained. I never knew at the time why it was “the place” to train, until now. Can you tell me where I can find a gym that has 6 squat racks, 3 smith machines, 5 bench press equipment, and dumbbells that go up to 150lbs. Good luck finding one. I searched everywhere in downtown LA and there is nothing that comes close to it. I’m lucky to find a gym with at least 2 squat racks and dumbbells that go up to 120 lbs.

I checked out some gyms this week and the closet one has some serious weights, but it was missing the essential machines, so I think my solution is to train at 2 gyms. It’s not bad to have multiple gym memberships, but it would be nicer if I had it all in on place.

Looking for a Gym
Looking for a Gym

Written by PeterFever


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  1. Two thoughts..First, don’t thing the 101 is all that bad. The 405? THAT is Hell.Second, I beivele there is an organization chart of Heaven that is equally grueling in the Heinlein novel Job: A Comedy of Justice. That is to be viewed.And I agree there should be a special place in Hell for sanctimonious Mac/iPhone/iPad users to have it out with equally sanctimonious other platform folks. I even back off on my Android crusade because of a fear of that place and I don’t even much beivele in Hell

  2. Hey Peter,
    Not to be sarcastic with my response. I would love to have leave response to you in a email that’s your personal email. But anyway, here goes. Why don’t you build your own Gym? Install all the necessary equipment, it’ll practically pay for itself. Come on now, Peter you have the resources…Peace out…

    • Before you built this gym that you should know what you are getting into. I remember reading story how the gym room can be more trouble than it is worth. Good luck to the future.

    • You must be real gym fan and wait until you get the right gym because people lose interested in the gym after awhile if you are going to several gym to get the right weight machine.

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