
I Started Out in Playgirl

I started out in Playgirl

As some of you might know, I started out modeling years ago for Playgirl. I thought you might like seeing what I looked like back in April 2001. I’m on the cover…well not the main picture, but still on the cover. Tell me what you think of me then and now.

Playgirl Magazine April 2001

Getting ready to strip off my shorts

Playgirl April 2001 Getting my shorts off

Larger photo from the cover

Playgirl April 2001 Large Photo from the Cover

I’m having fun now

Playgirl April 2001 I'm having some fun now

That feels great!

Playgirl April 2001 Now I'm excited

A great ass or what?

Playgirl April 2001 Nice Ass

Written by PeterFever


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  1. Peter, I discovered you first way back when you did the PlayGirl pics. Man, you drove me crazy. I LOVED the blonde hair and I jerked off over you many many times. Then, I finally discovered the new Peter Le. Just one pic and I said “Hey! That’s him!”. Then I chased you down. I love what you do. I have enjoyed many sexy times with you. I wish you the best always.


    Sydney, Australia

  2. You look like a winner in the Playgirl photo. I like Jason that you’ve moved past the Blonde look. I know that you look great in any hair color. I wish that you show more photo from your playgirl period.

  3. I finally found the Playgirl issues where you posed and had blonde hair. I will keep these issues. I think you have been the only Asian male who had posed for Playgirl.

  4. The hair back then was ok, but I think you look better with black hair.
    Also I think you look much better now, in body and face.

  5. I saw and feel in lust in the issue of FRESHMAN that ran these photos. I kept that issue for a lonnnnngggg time until my best friend’s roommate threw them out with her eviction. damn.

  6. I fell in love with you way back then… I didn’t realize that was you. I have always keep that edition because of you.

  7. i saw these pics waaaaayyyy before… atleast i found the guy who they belong to… so it was you. HOT! ;D

  8. I still have the original “Campus Hunks” issue
    you debuted in.
    Cute as a button then…..Handsome Man now

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