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The Peter Le Store [Launched]

Today I launched my eStore called On this site you will find everything from clothing that I wore during photo and video shoots to a new clothing line that I’m developing with up-and-coming designers in Asia. This clothing line will include underwear, fitness clothes, night club wear, casual wear, and accessories. And if you want my autograph, this is the place to get that too.

I’m also working on other products for the site like an all natural shampoo, conditioner, and body wash. Not only is it all natural, but they are made with ingredients that help prevent hair loss and promote new hair growth without any chemicals.

Staying with the all natural theme, I’m developing a health supplement line that you can use in conjunction with my Pete Physique books available on the site to help promote a healthy, toned, hot physique. I also have another book coming out soon for women’s fitness.

In a couple of weeks I will have autographed photos for purchase that are going to be available as limited edition prints. These are some of my favorite photos that I have done and I know you will love them too.

So make sure you stop by at least once a week, as I will be adding new items on a regular basis. And don’t forget that the clothes from my photo and video shoots are unique and there is only one like it; so if you want it, you better buy it while it is available!

If you have any other suggestions for products I should carry, send them to

– Peter

The Peter Le Store
The Peter Le Store

Written by admin2


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  1. Dude 4 pairs of shoes you own? LOL come on. Just kidding. I hope more than 4 pairs of socks LOL.

    • Hey Will -- Actually there are some boots I wore on the site. I will add other stuff in the future, but I’m kind of funny about shoes, I only owe 4 pair.

    • Yes I will have my underwear on the site too. It should be on later today sometime. I have at least 35 more items I’m adding this week, so keep checking back.

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