
Monday Madness

I’ve never worked in a corporate world, so I never understood what people meant by ‘Monday Madness’. My mood is normally upbeat and I have very little stress; well that was until last Monday.

I was exhausted from a long week of entertaining my buddy who flew in to visit me, meeting with vendors to go over t-shirt production for my new e-store, and of course my launch party for my new e-store I came home Monday morning at 1:30 am and walked PJ, finally crashing in bed at 2:15 am. I wouldn’t call my weekend a relaxing one; I was still homesick from all the traveling in September.

When I got up later Monday morning, I started packing for my trip to Hawaii which was scheduled for Tuesday morning. In Hawaii I’m doing a full week of hot videos and photo shoots for I had to arrange to drop off PJ at my friend’s house to dog sit while I was gone. Then I had to run some errands in the morning before I went to train a few clients that afternoon.

About 2:00 in the afternoon, while I was in the middle of a training session, my photographer called and said he was waiting for me at the airport in Hawaii. Oh Shit! I totally fucked-up and got my days wrong. He was right; I was supposed to leave Monday morning, not Tuesday. I was so upset with myself. I just told my buddy on Sunday that I really needed a day off to find some balance and now this happened.

I stayed cool and focused my attention back on my client. Afterwards I realized that I couldn’t leave that night because I still needed to get PJ over to my friend’s house the next morning and it would have been too crazy trying to change everything at this point. I did catch the flight the next morning, but this was the most stressful Monday I ever had.

From "Hawaiian Warrior" on
From "Hawaiian Warrior" on

Written by PeterFever


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  1. You have too much on your plate and your mind is shutting down a bit. Make sure you say “no” to those things that over extend you. You can only do so much. I’m the same way….

  2. ok, it’s time for that cute little student who reveres and adores you, desperately needs some extra money and faithfully takes care of everything not related to ‘being Peter Le’! Somebody apply quickly and save the Petephysique!! Extra qualifications like pet-sitting and massage experience appreciated… :):)

  3. Hi Pete, sorry you have such a bad weekend and missed your flight. OK my friend, just get to that photo shoot and try and relax. Don’t worry, it happens to me a lot due to tight schedules and writing date down in the wrong weeks sometime. I turned up for a meeting last week but it not for another two weeks yet…. OK my friend, love you and do take care.

    John xoxoxo

    • I remember in college being late for a final test and then everything was locked when I got to the door. That’s when someone passing by said, “What’s the rush?” I told him and he laughed because it was Sunday, not Monday.

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My Crazy Morning