Well I’m talking about my dog PJ of course; should I have him on K-Town with me? I’ve asked that question to myself many times for several reasons. One, I don’t know who can take care of PJ while I’m filming the show for two months and two, I don’t think PJ will behave on the set with our crazy cast members.
PJ barks at strangers, but he does get better once he is familiar with a person’s scent. I know there will be times during filming when there is confrontation and silence will be crucial; PJ might break in a bad way.

On the other side of the spectrum, PJ is my partner in crime. Whenever I take someone back to my house to fuck, PJ is always there for me to break the ice and ease their nervousness. I even let him watch while I pound my partners in different positions.
PJ knows the routine like the back of his paw. I bring someone home, he plays tug a war with them, their guard drops, and they hop right into my bed with me. That is how a good wing-man does it.
I’m meeting my producers soon and will ask their opinion on having PJ on the show. But what do you guys think?

Well we certainly didn’t mind watching PJ. He’s adorable, slept right between us.
Woops. Strike that. Just re-read last part.
That’s pretty cool that you’re even allowed to make that decision and not, say, the producers.
Adorable little puppy! He’s a poodle if I’m not mistaken?
Actually he is a maltese and poodle mix.